MIDAS MILEAGE UE, supplier of tread bands, materials, and tools for tire retreading.


MIDAS MILEAGE UK, supplier of tread bands, materials, and tools for tire retreading.
MIDAS MILEAGE France fournisseur de bande de roulement, matériel et outillages pour le rechappage de pneumatiques.

Precured treads

Made from high mileage compounds, our treads have been accepted the world over and tested on all road conditions.
Available as THICK and RTU solution. Compatible with both precured and hot process.

Vulcanization solution

Curing envelopes

Heat resistant envelopes for ease of use and long life.
MIDAS MILEAGE UE, supplier of tread bands, materials, and tools for tire retreading.

A group of privately held companies, owned and managed by Mr. George Varughese and family. Founded in 1969.

Primary business include - Tyre Retreading Materials and Rubber Estates 

Products - Tyre Retreading Materials, Precured tread rubber, Camel back rubber, Orbi strip rubber, Bonding gum and Vulcanising Solution, Curing Bags and Envelopes

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